NPU-D Rep Ms Nason;
The rezoning case, Z-23-17, for 1692 Springer St. will be heard at the Zoning Review Board meeting on June 1. As you will see, it is a bit more complicated than that which we handled and voted on at the April 17 UHNA meeting (~60-2 against) although our vote at the April 25 NPU-D meeting (~98-5 against) was handled in such a way as to have referred to the application as summed up below . I shall be conferring with members of the Steering or Executive Committees of UHNA and NPU as to what further actions might be taken to assure that 1692 Springer St. maintain its R-4 zoning. It could be advisable to have a good turn-out of UH people at the ZRB meeting if you are able to put this date on your calendar with a view to attending the June 1 ZRB meeting. AGENDA ZONING REVIEW BOARD JUNE 1, 2023 6:00 P.M., CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SECOND FLOOR NEW CASES 1. Z-23-17 An Ordinance by Zoning Committee to rezone from R-4/UPWO (Single Family Residential/Upper Westside Overlay) and I-1/UPWO (Light Industrial/ Upper Westside Overlay) to C1/UPWO (Community Business District/Upper Westside Overlay) for property located at 1692 Springer Street NW and 0 DeFoor Avenue (Parcel ID 17 01870003107) fronting 60 feet on the west side of Springer Street NW beginning at an iron pin located on the westerly right of way of Springer Street at the northeast corner of Lot 34 Depth: 272 feet Area: .49 acres, Land Lot 187, 17 th District, Fulton County, Georgia OWNER: GIRVAN HENRY APPLICANT: GIRVAN HENRY NPU D COUNCIL DISTRICT 9 Comments are closed.
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