An area many Underwood Hills residents frequent.
Notes from the ATLDOT Engineering Director: The width of Earnest St NW is approximately 29-30 feet wide. Consistent with City of Atlanta Code of Ordinances section 150-92, the Department of Transportation assessed the street and recommends a parking restriction along the south side of the road between Booth St and The Howard School back entrance drive, to allow for 2-way traffic and access. On-street parking will still be available on the north side of the street at the marked parking stalls. Map Link The expected restrictions will begin the week of May 8, 2023. Huge thanks to all the volunteers on our Field Refurbishment day, especially Seaver Lippit for organizing, and all the APS students, parents and neighbors that turned out to help. We moved 5 cubic yards of earth, sowed hundreds of pounds of seed, for the benefit of all park users. In the last 2-week period (Mar 25 - Apr 7), 46 incidents were reported in Beat 204. Of those, none occurred in the area we patrol. A breakdown of other activity reported in the area: It was great to have so many (nearly 90) attend Mondays Special GM and vote for preserving the residential character of Underwood Hills, BUT 'the fight ain't over!' The UHNA vote only counts as ONE vote at the Neighborhood Planning Unit, whereas each resident counts as an additional vote. It's important that as many as possible attend by Zoom or in person April 25 to vote and send an unequivocal message to the City of the residents wishes. Each business or entity also gets one vote. See the details and Agenda below. UHNA NPU-Rep Eva Nason explains; "I want to greatly thank those who conducted such a successful meeting and all those who participated. I copy here the agenda for the NPU-D meeting on Tuesday, April 25, which, at its top, tells how to participate either in person or virtually. Please attend if you can. There is a fair amount of business that is taken care of before we get to the real business of zoning matters, etc." So, don't worry if you'll be late, join the meeting when you can to submit your vote. ![]() At the Special General Meeting to consider a proposed rezoning of 1692 Springer St NW neighbors overwhelmingly voted to oppose the application and preserve the existing residential zoning. This is important because a rezoning could fundamentally impact the single-family core of Underwood Hills. As UHNA NPU-D Rep Eva Nason explains; "The house on this lot has been used in a commercial way for some time, but this has been a "grandfathered" use and cannot be used as a precedent for allowing other lots on Springer St. to be commercially rezoned. Also, so long as it remains residentially zoned, it cannot set a precedent for allowing the first lots on other residential streets in Underwood Hills to be commercially rezoned." But, this UHNA vote only counts as one vote at upcoming meetings! Neighbors are strongly encouraged to attend the 2 additional, increasingly important meetings at which a vote will be taken on the Springer St. Rezoning Application, Z-23-017. The first of these is the NPU-D meeting on Tuesday, April 25 by zoom and at the Agape Community Center at 2210 Marietta Blvd. (this is the vote to which the city's Zoning Review Board pays attention). The decision to rezone or not is made by the Zoning Review Board at City Hall in an evening meeting on May 4 or 11. Citizens may attend this meeting and stand up to oppose or approve and each side is given a very limited time in which to speak. Letters regarding Z-23-017 may also be sent to: City of Atlanta/Department of Planning and Community Development 55 Trinity Ave, SW 30303." Details of the meetings including zoom links and associated documents are on the UHNA Calendar Great to see so many neighbors together enjoying the hospitality.
"Amazing day with the best neighbors in the world. Thank you all for making this event happen at Y3S! We can’t wait to host the next one. Let’s plan it soon. Thank you for all your support! We are very very lucky to be a part of this incredible community." Josh Rossmeisl, Founder Your 3rd Spot™ • AMP Up1 Hospitality ![]() Hey folks! Spring Social is on May 6th. There are a few things I could use some help with starting soon to make it a success: Raffle items - particularly big ticket items - Please spread the word amongst your network to find some great items for us to raffle off! Here's a link to this year's tracking document Sponsor Participation - Last year our sponsors were super helpful in "sponsoring" some of our more expensive operational items. - Porta-potty- Secured Thank you Dr Berger, Petwell Atl - Face Painters - Balloon Artist - Food (Request is out to Das BBQ, but we still need sides, pizza, & other items) - Drinks Excited to do this again for the 10th year! :) Chris Lecraw, UHNA Social Chair Howdy Neighbors! instead of the Park Cleanup April 15 we're planning a Playing field Refurbishment April 22 Neighbor Seaver Lippit is coordinating. I've attached a bi-lingual flyer to share. As usual it's also posted on for Highschoolers to collect Community Service Hours. The plan is to aerate, dress and re-seed degraded areas of the playing field.
Please indicate your availability using the form link. You don't have to commit to the whole morning, and if you can't be there you can still loan tools if you like. Snack Food will be provided by UHNA. Please bring your own water bottle and work gloves. UHNA se está organizando para airear, vestir y volver a sembrar áreas degradadas del campo de juego. Enviaremos tierra, arena y semillas al sitio. La tierra y la arena se mezclarán y distribuirán mediante carretillas. Las áreas compactadas se airearán con herramientas manuales. La mezcla de tierra y arena se esparcirá sobre las áreas desnudas, sembradas y regadas. Se instalarán barreras de cinta para mantener a las personas y la maquinaria alejadas de las áreas renovadas hasta que se establezca el césped. Necesitamos voluntarios y herramientas para llevar a cabo la tarea. Indique su disponibilidad a QR code or form link above. Los bocadillos serán proporcionados por UHNA. Favor de traer su propia botella de agua y guantes de trabajo The WESTSIDE ART SERIES, Session 1: Self to Self Portrait April 29th, 2023 (Registration required)4/13/2023
![]() Event Registration Link Click link to register Email: [email protected] Text/Voicemail: (404) 907-0864 725 Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy, Atlanta, GA 30318 ![]() Thursday, April 20th, 2023. This Hybrid Meeting will be held in-person at 2800 Campbellton Road SW, Atlanta, GA 30311. Register to participate in In-Person online at or register and attend virtually on Zoom or YouTube. The featured presentation will begin at 6:30 p.m. This workshop will focus on potential standards for Atlanta City Design Conservation Areas – the usually low-rise, tree-covered rural, suburban, and urban neighborhoods that make up much of the city. Diverse concepts will be presented, ranging from how to better protect existing neighborhood character, to how to accommodate varying amounts of intentional change. All concepts will be discussed in a general sense; the application of new concepts to specific locations should only occur after the new Zoning Ordinance is adopted and when supported by the parallel update to the City’s Comprehensive Development Plan. This is a Citywide conversation, and all Atlanta stakeholders are encouraged to participate. In this meeting we will review content from the previous workshop; narrow down the potential direction for the growth area zoning; and provide more information on how zone string could work. Each Zoning Workshop is designed to build upon information from the last workshop. The Zoning 2.0 series is designed to explore new zoning approaches and alternatives that were identified in the 2016 Zoning Ordinance Diagnostic Report. The best way to participate is with your closest neighbor. Forward, screenshot and share this message with someone else. Register today at Stay in touch and email [email protected] with your questions and comments. |
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