Underwood Hills has an active Adopt a Stream water quality monitoring program.
The next sampling event is this Sunday January 30, 2pm at the stream in Underwood Hills Park. Measured samples will be used to assess macro-invertebrates, bacterial and chemical populations. The macro-invertebrate sampling in particular is suitable for kids, but anyone with an interest in ecology, wildlife, water quality and system health is welcome to get involved. Underwood Hills data is hosted at Underwood Hills AaS Group ID: G-2909 (AAS). ![]() Thanks to Subscribers' contributions, UHNA Security Patrol is able to maintain Atlanta Police Officers on our security patrol having a shift 7 days a week instead of what it used to be at 3 or 4 days a week, benefiting ALL neighbors! Please send non-members here to sign up: https://www.underwoodhills.org/security.html. We do need more members to get our budget up to keep the 7 days a week going for the shifts. Please help reach out to non-members and invite them to subscribe. Subscribers use the security patrol email and phone to reach our officer directly, to request vacation checks on your house while you're gone, and report suspicious activity. Below is the two-week security patrol report from our head police officer that runs the security patrol. Security Patrol Update In the last 2-week period (Jan 1 -14), 44 reports were generated in Beat 204. Of those incidents, none occurred in the area we patrol. A breakdown of the reported activity in the surrounding area: Report - Type - Count
Significant Incidents On January 9, 2022, a woman was driving south on the 1700 block of Howell Mill Road when a vehicle suddenly pulled out in front of her. When she drove alongside the vehicle, one of the occupants pointed a pistol at her. The suspect has been identified and warrants were issued for his arrest. Some additional information about an incident from January 18, 2022 At 8:15 am, a resident on Ridgeway called 911 after seeing a white male attempt to enter his mother's vehicle, which was parked outside of their residence. The resident confronted the suspect and told him to leave. The suspect continued to try to open the doors and trunk but the vehicle was locked. Officers arrived quickly and detained the suspect. He was arrested and charged with a city ordinance violation of Unauthorized Attempted Interference with a Parked Vehicle. He was transported to the city jail. The patrol team is aware of this incident and will be on the lookout for any potential return of this subject to the neighborhood. Thanks to all of those that contribute to the security patrol for the benefit of all of our neighbors! Sincerely, John Security Patrol Chair ![]() The APS Pre-K Lottery Application window is now open! Click here to complete the application process. Lottery application is available for any child whose birthday is between September 2, 2017-September 1, 2018. Sign up for E Rivers communications via this link. Registration is now OPEN for Underwood Hills Trackstars, the Spring 2022 Kilometer Kids season!1/21/2022
The Spring 2022 Underwood Hills Trackstars Kilometer Kids season will begin the week of February 21 and run through the week of May 8 (accommodating for one week of spring break).
Participant registration for runners is open. REGISTER your child Volunteer assistant coaches are also welcome. Sign-up to apply as assistant coach Atlanta Track Club’s FREE youth running program for kids in kindergarten through 8th grade starts back up this spring and you do not want to miss out on all of the excitement! With Kilometer Kids your child will… - Get active every week for two, one-hour long practices - Play running games and meet new friends - Learn about goal setting, healthy habits and teamwork - Work towards running 26.2 miles over the 10-week season - Earn fun incentives for their hard work and receive an adidas T-shirt The season starts the week of February 21. Get your young athlete signed up soon! Underwood Hills residents came together for their quarterly neighborhood meeting at 7:00 p.m. on January 10. Organized by the Underwood Hills Neighborhood Association (UHNA), it took place in hybrid format: an online gathering and “live” meeting in the tasting room of the Atlanta Brewing Company. Guest speakers from the Atlanta Beltline joined and offered an insight into the latest plans for completing the Northwest Trail connection. The current feasibility study explores different corridors, some passing directly through Underwood Hills and potentially crossing I-75 from Underwood Hills Park to the Collier Hills side. (link to presentation slides) Feedback about the proposals is invited virtually in an online interactive map and survey located at beltline.org/nwtrailstudy. Additional information about the project can be found at beltline.org/northwest. The deadline is January 21. Other items discussed were the 2022 UHNA budget, allocating more funds to communication and membership outreach and voting in new Subcommittee Chairs for 2022. The meeting was recorded on Zoom, and here is the video: General Meeting Agenda
January 10, 2022 7PM Atlanta Brewing Company Zoom Video Conference CONTACT INFORMATION Steven Lindsay-President-678-697-5284 or [email protected] Steve Whitlock-Secretary-404-668-1338 or [email protected] AGENDA
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